Your highest satisfaction is our goal!

For more than 85 years, we’ve worked hard, doing our very best to repair our customer’s cars. But just merely repairing them has never been our only goal: we wanted people to come back to us, feel at home, confident that we always offer the best quality of repairs at the best prices. Thanks to our loyal customers, coming to us for up to 4 generations, we’ve stayed in business longer than anyone in our region. Now that we have branched out into used cars exports, our goals have not changed: integrity and friendliness to provide you with the highest security and satisfaction through pre-auction videos, watchable on Youtube BEFORE you buy the cars of your dreams, along with offering the safest methods of payment in the business to all our customers.
By watching videos of your car on Youtube, you can actually hear the sound of the engine, the presence or absence of scratches, as if the car was in front of you. All that BEFORE you decide to buy the car! For any extra informations, please contact us directly through email, Skype or on the phone.